Summer Lawn Care Guide: Cutting and Maintaining Your Lawn in Extreme Heat

Maintaining a lush, green lawn during the scorching summer months can be a daunting task. The intense heat and dry conditions pose challenges that require special care and attention. However, with the right strategies, you can keep your lawn healthy and vibrant even in the peak of summer. Here’s a comprehensive guide to cutting and maintaining your lawn in extreme heat.

Mowing Techniques for Summer Heat

  1. Raise Your Mower Blades During the summer, set your mower blades higher to keep the grass longer. Longer grass shades the soil, helping to retain moisture and protect the roots from the sun’s intense heat. Aim for a grass height of about 3-4 inches.
  2. Mow in the Early Morning or Late Evening Avoid mowing during the hottest part of the day. Instead, mow in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. This reduces stress on the grass and prevents the loss of too much moisture.
  3. Keep Your Blades Sharp Sharp mower blades make clean cuts, which are less stressful for the grass. Dull blades tear the grass, making it more susceptible to disease and dehydration. Regularly sharpen your mower blades to ensure a healthy cut.
  4. Follow the One-Third Rule Never cut more than one-third of the grass height at a time. Cutting too much at once can shock the grass and hinder its ability to recover, especially in extreme heat. If your lawn has grown too long, gradually reduce the height over several mowings.

Watering Strategies for Hot Weather

  1. Water Deeply and Infrequently Water your lawn deeply but less frequently to encourage deep root growth. Shallow, frequent watering can lead to weak roots and increased vulnerability to drought. Aim to water your lawn once or twice a week, providing about 1 inch of water each time.
  2. Water Early in the Day Water your lawn early in the morning, ideally between 6 AM and 10 AM. This allows the grass to absorb moisture before the heat of the day causes evaporation. Avoid watering in the evening, as it can promote fungal growth.
  3. Use Mulch or Grass Clippings Leave grass clippings on the lawn after mowing. They act as a natural mulch, helping to retain moisture and provide nutrients as they decompose. This can also reduce the need for additional fertilizers.

Additional Tips for Summer Lawn Care

  1. Aerate Your Lawn Aeration helps improve soil compaction and allows water, air, and nutrients to reach the grass roots more effectively. Aerate your lawn in late spring or early summer to prepare it for the hotter months.
  2. Apply Fertilizer Wisely Avoid over-fertilizing in the summer, as it can stress the grass and lead to burn spots. Use a slow-release fertilizer and apply it sparingly. Consider using organic options to promote healthier soil and grass.
  3. Monitor for Pests and Diseases Summer heat can make your lawn more susceptible to pests and diseases. Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of trouble, such as brown patches, chewed grass, or unusual discoloration. Treat any issues promptly with appropriate methods.
  4. Reduce Foot Traffic Minimize heavy foot traffic on your lawn during peak heat times. Excessive wear can damage the grass and compact the soil, making it harder for the lawn to recover. Create designated pathways or use stepping stones to protect vulnerable areas.
  5. Consider Drought-Tolerant Grass Varieties If you live in an area with consistently high temperatures and limited rainfall, consider planting drought-tolerant grass varieties. These grasses are better adapted to withstand extreme heat and require less water to stay healthy.


Maintaining a healthy lawn in the summer heat requires thoughtful care and attention. By adjusting your mowing practices, watering wisely, and following additional summer care tips, you can ensure your lawn remains green and resilient even during the hottest months. With these strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to enjoy a beautiful lawn all summer long.

Need professional help with your summer lawn care? Contact us today for expert lawn maintenance services tailored to your needs!

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